[Blends-commit] [SCM] fun branch, master, updated. b46c5eafe093bb5de68935db004a01eebb767cce
Andreas Tille
2014-08-20 19:30:06 UTC
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit dc9f1b5660855dab24885137ea162abde9f81e4c
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Sun Aug 10 12:51:46 2014 +0200

temporary add some games tasks for debugging

diff --git a/tasks/arcade b/tasks/arcade
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f7e9bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/arcade
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+Task: arcade
+Description: Debian's arcade games
+ This metapackage will install arcade games.
+Depends: a7xpg
+Depends: abe
+Depends: adanaxisgpl
+Depends: airstrike
+Depends: alienblaster
+Depends: antigravitaattori
+Depends: armagetronad
+Depends: asylum
+Depends: atanks
+Depends: balazarbrothers
+Depends: balder2d
+Depends: ballerburg
+Depends: barrage
+Depends: bloboats
+Depends: bomberclone
+Depends: bouncy
+Depends: briquolo
+Depends: btanks
+Depends: bubbros
+Depends: bugsquish
+Depends: bumprace
+Depends: burgerspace
+Depends: ceferino
+Depends: chromium-bsu
+Depends: circuslinux
+Depends: criticalmass
+Depends: csmash
+Depends: cutemaze
+Depends: dangen
+Depends: defendguin
+Depends: dodgindiamond2
+Depends: efp
+Depends: epiphany
+Depends: excellent-bifurcation
+Suggests: fofix
+Depends: freedroid
+Depends: freegish
+Depends: fretsonfire
+Depends: funguloids
+Depends: funnyboat
+Depends: garden-of-coloured-lights
+Depends: gav
+Depends: geki2
+Depends: geki3
+Depends: gltron
+Depends: gravitation
+Depends: gravitywars
+Depends: gunroar
+Depends: hannah
+Depends: hedgewars
+Depends: heroes-sdl
+Depends: icebreaker
+Depends: ii-esu
+Depends: jmdlx
+Depends: jumpnbump
+Depends: jumpnbump-levels
+Depends: ketm
+Depends: kobodeluxe
+Depends: komi
+Depends: koules
+Depends: krank
+Depends: kraptor
+Depends: late
+Depends: lbreakout2
+Depends: lierolibre
+Depends: luola
+Depends: madbomber
+Depends: maelstrom
+Depends: marsshooter
+Depends: mmpong-gl
+Depends: monster-masher
+Depends: moon-buggy
+Depends: moon-lander
+Depends: mousetrap
+Depends: mu-cade
+Depends: netmaze
+Suggests: netrek-client-cow
+Depends: neverball
+Depends: njam
+Depends: noiz2sa
+Depends: open-invaders
+Depends: orbital-eunuchs-sniper
+Depends: overgod
+Depends: pacman
+Depends: pangzero
+Depends: parsec47
+Depends: passage
+Depends: penguin-command
+Depends: performous
+Depends: pianobooster
+Depends: pinball
+Depends: plee-the-bear
+Depends: pong2
+Depends: powermanga
+Depends: projectl
+Depends: rafkill
+Depends: ri-li
+Depends: rockdodger
+Depends: rrootage
+Depends: scorched3d
+Depends: sdl-ball
+Depends: snake4
+Depends: solarwolf
+Depends: sopwith
+Depends: spacearyarya
+Depends: spout
+Depends: starfighter
+Depends: starvoyager
+Depends: supertransball2
+Depends: supertux
+Depends: tatan
+Depends: tecnoballz
+Depends: teeworlds
+Depends: tenmado
+Depends: titanion
+Depends: tomatoes
+Depends: torus-trooper
+Depends: transcend
+Depends: triplane
+Depends: tumiki-fighters
+Depends: tuxmath
+Depends: tuxpuck
+Depends: tuxtype
+Depends: val-and-rick
+Depends: vectoroids
+Depends: viruskiller
+Depends: warmux
+Depends: wing
+Depends: wordwarvi
+Depends: xbill
+Depends: xblast-tnt
+Depends: xevil
+Depends: xgalaga
+Depends: xgalaga++
+Depends: xinv3d
+Depends: xonix
+Depends: xpilot-ng
+Depends: xracer
+Depends: xsoldier
+Depends: xtron
+Depends: zatacka
+Suggests: kdegames
+Suggests: gnome-games
diff --git a/tasks/board b/tasks/board
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..829693f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/board
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+Task: board
+Description: Debian's board games
+ This metapackage will install board games.
+Depends: 3dchess
+Depends: ace-of-penguins
+Depends: biloba
+Depends: brutalchess
+Depends: bsdgames
+Depends: cgoban
+Depends: cl-reversi
+Depends: colorcode
+Depends: dossizola
+Depends: eboard
+Depends: fairymax
+Depends: filler
+Depends: fltk1.3-games
+Depends: gamazons
+Depends: gbatnav
+Depends: glaurung
+Depends: gmchess
+Depends: gnubg
+Depends: gnuchess
+Depends: gnugo
+Depends: gnuminishogi
+Depends: gpsshogi
+Depends: grhino
+Depends: gtkatlantic
+Depends: gtkboard
+Depends: hachu
+Depends: hexxagon
+Depends: jester
+Depends: londonlaw
+Depends: mah-jong
+Depends: mancala
+Depends: mgt
+Depends: monopd
+Depends: morris
+Depends: nettoe
+Depends: openyahtzee
+Depends: peg-e
+Depends: peg-solitaire
+Depends: pegsolitaire
+Depends: pente
+Depends: pentobi
+Depends: pgn-extract
+Depends: phalanx
+Depends: pioneers
+Depends: pyscrabble
+Depends: qgo
+Depends: quarry
+Depends: ricochet
+Depends: scid
+Depends: sgf2dg
+Depends: sjeng
+Depends: texlive-games
+Depends: tictactoe-ng
+Depends: tourney-manager
+Depends: uligo
+Depends: xboard
+Depends: xchain
+Depends: xfrisk
+Depends: xgammon
+Depends: xmabacus
+Depends: xmahjongg
+Depends: xshogi
+Depends: xvier
+Depends: yics
+Suggests: kdegames
+Suggests: gnome-games
diff --git a/tasks/card b/tasks/card
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a09327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/card
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Task: card
+Description: Debian's card games
+ This metapackage will install card games.
+Depends: ace-of-penguins
+Depends: aisleriot
+Suggests: cardstories
+Depends: dds
+Depends: deal
+Depends: dealer
+Depends: gsalliere
+Depends: holdingnuts
+Depends: jpoker
+Depends: lmemory
+Depends: mathwar
+Depends: openpref
+Depends: pescetti
+Depends: pokerth
+Depends: pybridge
+Depends: pysolfc
+Depends: python-pydds
+Depends: tenace
+Depends: xmille
+Depends: xpat2
+Depends: xskat
+Depends: xsol
+Suggests: yahtzeesharp
diff --git a/tasks/chess b/tasks/chess
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0418708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tasks/chess
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+Task: chess
+Description: Debian's chess games
+ This metapackage will install chess games and helper tools.
+Depends: 3dchess
+Depends: brutalchess
+Depends: convert-pgn
+Depends: dreamchess
+Depends: eboard
+Depends: eboard-extras-pack1
+Depends: eleeye
+Depends: emacs-chess
+Depends: fairymax
+Depends: fruit
+Depends: gameclock
+Depends: glaurung
+Depends: glchess
+Depends: gmchess
+Depends: gnuchess
+Depends: gnuchess-book
+Depends: gnushogi
+Depends: hachu
+Depends: hoichess
+Depends: pgn-extract
+Depends: pgn2web
+Depends: phalanx
+Depends: polyglot
+Depends: pychess
+Depends: scid
+Depends: sjeng
+Depends: stockfish
+Depends: tagua
+Depends: texlive-games
+Depends: toga2
+Depends: tourney-manager
+Depends: xboard
+Depends: xshogi
+Depends: yics
+Suggests: kdegames
+Suggests: gnome-games
Debian Fun Blend
Andreas Tille
2014-08-20 19:30:06 UTC
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 9d68d99b224e763ac67e9d0bac8d5558a4df695b
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Sun Aug 10 13:13:14 2014 +0200

Card seems to be OK, other tasks are bisected

diff --git a/tasks/arcade b/tasks/arcade
index 8f7e9bb..095f904 100644
--- a/tasks/arcade
+++ b/tasks/arcade
@@ -162,128 +162,3 @@ Depends: njam

Depends: noiz2sa

-Depends: open-invaders
-Depends: orbital-eunuchs-sniper
-Depends: overgod
-Depends: pacman
-Depends: pangzero
-Depends: parsec47
-Depends: passage
-Depends: penguin-command
-Depends: performous
-Depends: pianobooster
-Depends: pinball
-Depends: plee-the-bear
-Depends: pong2
-Depends: powermanga
-Depends: projectl
-Depends: rafkill
-Depends: ri-li
-Depends: rockdodger
-Depends: rrootage
-Depends: scorched3d
-Depends: sdl-ball
-Depends: snake4
-Depends: solarwolf
-Depends: sopwith
-Depends: spacearyarya
-Depends: spout
-Depends: starfighter
-Depends: starvoyager
-Depends: supertransball2
-Depends: supertux
-Depends: tatan
-Depends: tecnoballz
-Depends: teeworlds
-Depends: tenmado
-Depends: titanion
-Depends: tomatoes
-Depends: torus-trooper
-Depends: transcend
-Depends: triplane
-Depends: tumiki-fighters
-Depends: tuxmath
-Depends: tuxpuck
-Depends: tuxtype
-Depends: val-and-rick
-Depends: vectoroids
-Depends: viruskiller
-Depends: warmux
-Depends: wing
-Depends: wordwarvi
-Depends: xbill
-Depends: xblast-tnt
-Depends: xevil
-Depends: xgalaga
-Depends: xgalaga++
-Depends: xinv3d
-Depends: xonix
-Depends: xpilot-ng
-Depends: xracer
-Depends: xsoldier
-Depends: xtron
-Depends: zatacka
-Suggests: kdegames
-Suggests: gnome-games
diff --git a/tasks/board b/tasks/board
index 829693f..9661b0c 100644
--- a/tasks/board
+++ b/tasks/board
@@ -2,74 +2,6 @@ Task: board
Description: Debian's board games
This metapackage will install board games.

-Depends: 3dchess
-Depends: ace-of-penguins
-Depends: biloba
-Depends: brutalchess
-Depends: bsdgames
-Depends: cgoban
-Depends: cl-reversi
-Depends: colorcode
-Depends: dossizola
-Depends: eboard
-Depends: fairymax
-Depends: filler
-Depends: fltk1.3-games
-Depends: gamazons
-Depends: gbatnav
-Depends: glaurung
-Depends: gmchess
-Depends: gnubg
-Depends: gnuchess
-Depends: gnugo
-Depends: gnuminishogi
-Depends: gpsshogi
-Depends: grhino
-Depends: gtkatlantic
-Depends: gtkboard
-Depends: hachu
-Depends: hexxagon
-Depends: jester
-Depends: londonlaw
-Depends: mah-jong
-Depends: mancala
-Depends: mgt
-Depends: monopd
-Depends: morris
Depends: nettoe

Depends: openyahtzee
diff --git a/tasks/card b/tasks/card
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a09327..0000000
--- a/tasks/card
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-Task: card
-Description: Debian's card games
- This metapackage will install card games.
-Depends: ace-of-penguins
-Depends: aisleriot
-Suggests: cardstories
-Depends: dds
-Depends: deal
-Depends: dealer
-Depends: gsalliere
-Depends: holdingnuts
-Depends: jpoker
-Depends: lmemory
-Depends: mathwar
-Depends: openpref
-Depends: pescetti
-Depends: pokerth
-Depends: pybridge
-Depends: pysolfc
-Depends: python-pydds
-Depends: tenace
-Depends: xmille
-Depends: xpat2
-Depends: xskat
-Depends: xsol
-Suggests: yahtzeesharp
diff --git a/tasks/chess b/tasks/chess
index 0418708..8e85be5 100644
--- a/tasks/chess
+++ b/tasks/chess
@@ -40,36 +40,3 @@ Depends: hachu

Depends: hoichess

-Depends: pgn-extract
-Depends: pgn2web
-Depends: phalanx
-Depends: polyglot
-Depends: pychess
-Depends: scid
-Depends: sjeng
-Depends: stockfish
-Depends: tagua
-Depends: texlive-games
-Depends: toga2
-Depends: tourney-manager
-Depends: xboard
-Depends: xshogi
-Depends: yics
-Suggests: kdegames
-Suggests: gnome-games
Debian Fun Blend
Andreas Tille
2014-08-20 19:30:07 UTC
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 5b4825b8cbc32fb8d1367ecf0bea8f3635bb67be
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Wed Aug 13 08:24:41 2014 +0200

Further bisecting to keep the problematic packages in

diff --git a/tasks/arcade b/tasks/arcade
index 095f904..923ead6 100644
--- a/tasks/arcade
+++ b/tasks/arcade
@@ -108,57 +108,3 @@ Depends: icebreaker

Depends: ii-esu

-Depends: jmdlx
-Depends: jumpnbump
-Depends: jumpnbump-levels
-Depends: ketm
-Depends: kobodeluxe
-Depends: komi
-Depends: koules
-Depends: krank
-Depends: kraptor
-Depends: late
-Depends: lbreakout2
-Depends: lierolibre
-Depends: luola
-Depends: madbomber
-Depends: maelstrom
-Depends: marsshooter
-Depends: mmpong-gl
-Depends: monster-masher
-Depends: moon-buggy
-Depends: moon-lander
-Depends: mousetrap
-Depends: mu-cade
-Depends: netmaze
-Suggests: netrek-client-cow
-Depends: neverball
-Depends: njam
-Depends: noiz2sa
diff --git a/tasks/board b/tasks/board
index 9661b0c..06bfabf 100644
--- a/tasks/board
+++ b/tasks/board
@@ -2,40 +2,6 @@ Task: board
Description: Debian's board games
This metapackage will install board games.

-Depends: nettoe
-Depends: openyahtzee
-Depends: peg-e
-Depends: peg-solitaire
-Depends: pegsolitaire
-Depends: pente
-Depends: pentobi
-Depends: pgn-extract
-Depends: phalanx
-Depends: pioneers
-Depends: pyscrabble
-Depends: qgo
-Depends: quarry
-Depends: ricochet
-Depends: scid
-Depends: sgf2dg
-Depends: sjeng
Depends: texlive-games

Depends: tictactoe-ng
diff --git a/tasks/chess b/tasks/chess
index 8e85be5..f6a6173 100644
--- a/tasks/chess
+++ b/tasks/chess
@@ -2,22 +2,6 @@ Task: chess
Description: Debian's chess games
This metapackage will install chess games and helper tools.

-Depends: 3dchess
-Depends: brutalchess
-Depends: convert-pgn
-Depends: dreamchess
-Depends: eboard
-Depends: eboard-extras-pack1
-Depends: eleeye
-Depends: emacs-chess
Depends: fairymax

Depends: fruit
Debian Fun Blend
Andreas Tille
2014-08-20 19:30:07 UTC
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 1eb1af531bb6d37fd7d720ffdf8f6a94783775f1
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Wed Aug 13 08:32:36 2014 +0200

Further bisecting

diff --git a/tasks/arcade b/tasks/arcade
index 923ead6..a957f42 100644
--- a/tasks/arcade
+++ b/tasks/arcade
@@ -70,41 +70,3 @@ Depends: epiphany

Depends: excellent-bifurcation

-Suggests: fofix
-Depends: freedroid
-Depends: freegish
-Depends: fretsonfire
-Depends: funguloids
-Depends: funnyboat
-Depends: garden-of-coloured-lights
-Depends: gav
-Depends: geki2
-Depends: geki3
-Depends: gltron
-Depends: gravitation
-Depends: gravitywars
-Depends: gunroar
-Depends: hannah
-Depends: hedgewars
-Depends: heroes-sdl
-Depends: icebreaker
-Depends: ii-esu
diff --git a/tasks/board b/tasks/board
index 06bfabf..8ad9c1f 100644
--- a/tasks/board
+++ b/tasks/board
@@ -2,14 +2,6 @@ Task: board
Description: Debian's board games
This metapackage will install board games.

-Depends: texlive-games
-Depends: tictactoe-ng
-Depends: tourney-manager
-Depends: uligo
Depends: xboard

Depends: xchain
diff --git a/tasks/chess b/tasks/chess
index f6a6173..49ea8ca 100644
--- a/tasks/chess
+++ b/tasks/chess
@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ Task: chess
Description: Debian's chess games
This metapackage will install chess games and helper tools.

-Depends: fairymax
-Depends: fruit
Depends: gameclock

Depends: glaurung
Debian Fun Blend
Andreas Tille
2014-08-20 19:30:07 UTC
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit f9c499920f28813cbf52cf7f2054a3970ef8594f
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Wed Aug 13 14:28:06 2014 +0200

further bisecting

diff --git a/tasks/arcade b/tasks/arcade
index a957f42..86ee1b2 100644
--- a/tasks/arcade
+++ b/tasks/arcade
@@ -58,15 +58,3 @@ Depends: csmash

Depends: cutemaze

-Depends: dangen
-Depends: defendguin
-Depends: dodgindiamond2
-Depends: efp
-Depends: epiphany
-Depends: excellent-bifurcation
diff --git a/tasks/board b/tasks/board
index 8ad9c1f..23b20d3 100644
--- a/tasks/board
+++ b/tasks/board
@@ -2,18 +2,6 @@ Task: board
Description: Debian's board games
This metapackage will install board games.

-Depends: xboard
-Depends: xchain
-Depends: xfrisk
-Depends: xgammon
-Depends: xmabacus
-Depends: xmahjongg
Depends: xshogi

Depends: xvier
diff --git a/tasks/chess b/tasks/chess
index 49ea8ca..6b5698c 100644
--- a/tasks/chess
+++ b/tasks/chess
@@ -11,12 +11,3 @@ Depends: glchess
Depends: gmchess

Depends: gnuchess
-Depends: gnuchess-book
-Depends: gnushogi
-Depends: hachu
-Depends: hoichess
Debian Fun Blend
Andreas Tille
2014-08-20 19:30:07 UTC
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit f5f814ba3240bad00ad0a2693e45901abcdd34f4
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Wed Aug 13 14:35:04 2014 +0200


diff --git a/tasks/arcade b/tasks/arcade
index 86ee1b2..40d1484 100644
--- a/tasks/arcade
+++ b/tasks/arcade
@@ -40,21 +40,3 @@ Depends: btanks

Depends: bubbros

-Depends: bugsquish
-Depends: bumprace
-Depends: burgerspace
-Depends: ceferino
-Depends: chromium-bsu
-Depends: circuslinux
-Depends: criticalmass
-Depends: csmash
-Depends: cutemaze
diff --git a/tasks/board b/tasks/board
index 23b20d3..84947e7 100644
--- a/tasks/board
+++ b/tasks/board
@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ Task: board
Description: Debian's board games
This metapackage will install board games.

-Depends: xshogi
-Depends: xvier
Depends: yics

Suggests: kdegames
diff --git a/tasks/chess b/tasks/chess
index 6b5698c..839b91a 100644
--- a/tasks/chess
+++ b/tasks/chess
@@ -6,8 +6,3 @@ Depends: gameclock

Depends: glaurung

-Depends: glchess
-Depends: gmchess
-Depends: gnuchess
Debian Fun Blend
Andreas Tille
2014-08-20 19:30:07 UTC
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 516a8b0d330c7ddcf52ed46af9496009241a9497
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Wed Aug 13 14:45:20 2014 +0200


diff --git a/tasks/arcade b/tasks/arcade
index 40d1484..1b6dd2d 100644
--- a/tasks/arcade
+++ b/tasks/arcade
@@ -2,24 +2,6 @@ Task: arcade
Description: Debian's arcade games
This metapackage will install arcade games.

-Depends: a7xpg
-Depends: abe
-Depends: adanaxisgpl
-Depends: airstrike
-Depends: alienblaster
-Depends: antigravitaattori
-Depends: armagetronad
-Depends: asylum
-Depends: atanks
Depends: balazarbrothers

Depends: balder2d
diff --git a/tasks/board b/tasks/board
index 84947e7..80a5a57 100644
--- a/tasks/board
+++ b/tasks/board
@@ -2,8 +2,4 @@ Task: board
Description: Debian's board games
This metapackage will install board games.

-Depends: yics
-Suggests: kdegames
Suggests: gnome-games
diff --git a/tasks/chess b/tasks/chess
index 839b91a..2ee34c8 100644
--- a/tasks/chess
+++ b/tasks/chess
@@ -4,5 +4,3 @@ Description: Debian's chess games

Depends: gameclock

-Depends: glaurung
Debian Fun Blend
Andreas Tille
2014-08-20 19:30:07 UTC
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 5ea4328ecdb08d8191ec204dc3035406b9a17122
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Wed Aug 13 14:49:42 2014 +0200


diff --git a/tasks/arcade b/tasks/arcade
index 1b6dd2d..26d173f 100644
--- a/tasks/arcade
+++ b/tasks/arcade
@@ -12,13 +12,3 @@ Depends: barrage

Depends: bloboats

-Depends: bomberclone
-Depends: bouncy
-Depends: briquolo
-Depends: btanks
-Depends: bubbros
Debian Fun Blend
Andreas Tille
2014-08-20 19:30:07 UTC
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 7475ced814a9bab27d05a7bf7e0651490e7ea9c7
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Wed Aug 13 15:07:49 2014 +0200


diff --git a/tasks/arcade b/tasks/arcade
index 26d173f..cc04a0b 100644
--- a/tasks/arcade
+++ b/tasks/arcade
@@ -6,9 +6,3 @@ Depends: balazarbrothers

Depends: balder2d

-Depends: ballerburg
-Depends: barrage
-Depends: bloboats
Debian Fun Blend
Andreas Tille
2014-08-20 19:30:07 UTC
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit e063f119b22d1b30b56539c9fdb932f1f9941953
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Wed Aug 13 15:14:29 2014 +0200

found three packages in three tasks causing trouble

diff --git a/tasks/arcade b/tasks/arcade
index cc04a0b..c3626ed 100644
--- a/tasks/arcade
+++ b/tasks/arcade
@@ -2,7 +2,5 @@ Task: arcade
Description: Debian's arcade games
This metapackage will install arcade games.

-Depends: balazarbrothers
Depends: balder2d
Debian Fun Blend
Andreas Tille
2014-08-20 19:30:07 UTC
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit b46c5eafe093bb5de68935db004a01eebb767cce
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Wed Aug 20 21:29:31 2014 +0200

Try to track down encoding error in sentinel scripts

diff --git a/tasks/alternatives b/tasks/alternatives
deleted file mode 100644
index 66d3a17..0000000
--- a/tasks/alternatives
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Task: Debug alternatives
-Architecture: any
-Leaf: false
-Description: Debug resolving alternatives in tasks files
- This debug task contains some package alternatives for the purpose
- to verify whether control files created by the new code developed
- in GSoC project is working correctly.
-Depends: nullidentd | ident-server, openbsd-inetd
-X-Expected-amd64: nullidentd | ident-server, openbsd-inetd
-Recommends: iputils-arping | arping, finger, gdebi-core | gdebi
-X-Expected-amd64: iputils-arping | arping, finger, gdebi-core | gdebi
-Depends: cups, foomatic-db-engine, foomatic-db-gutenprint, \
- foomatic-filters-ppds | cupsomatic-ppd, pnm2ppa, \
- hpijs, hpijs-ppds, hplip, ijsgutenprint
-X-Expected-amd64: cups, foomatic-db-engine, foomatic-db-gutenprint, \
- foomatic-filters-ppds | cupsomatic-ppd, pnm2ppa, \
- hpijs, hpijs-ppds, hplip, ijsgutenprint
-Depends: dpt-i2o-raidutils | raidutils | dpt-raidutil, flashplugin-nonfree-pulse | libflashsupport \
- gpsim-led | gpsim-lded, kig | keuklid | kgeo, inkscape | sodipodi
-X-Do-not-appear-in-blends-dependencies-table: dpt-raidutil, flashplugin-nonfree-pulse , gpsim-lded \
- keuklid | kgeo, sodipodi
-Depends: abuse-frabs | abuse-lib, afbackup-common | afbackup-client-i, amoeba | mesag3,\
- apcupsd | ups-monitor
-X-Comment: the above packages are conflicts
diff --git a/tasks/cookies b/tasks/cookies
deleted file mode 100644
index ebcb1c3..0000000
--- a/tasks/cookies
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-Task: Fortune cookies
-Description: Have some fun with fortune cookies
- Here you can find all fortune cookie packages inside Debian
- to have some fun with Debian.
-Depends: fortune-mod
-Depends: fortunes
-Depends: fortunes-bofh-excuses
-Depends: fortunes-de
-Depends: fortunes-debian-hints
-Depends: fortunes-eo-ascii
-Depends: fortunes-eo-iso3
-Depends: fortunes-es
-Suggests: fortunes-es-off
-Depends: fortunes-ga
-Depends: fortunes-it
-Suggests: fortunes-it-off
-Depends: fortunes-mario
-Depends: fortunes-min
-Suggests: fortunes-off
-Depends: fortunes-pl
-Depends: fortune-zh
-Depends: fortunes-bg
-Depends: fortunes-br
-Depends: fortunes-cs
-Depends: fortunes-eo
-Depends: fortunes-fr
-Depends: fortunes-ru
diff --git a/tasks/definitions b/tasks/definitions
deleted file mode 100644
index 9153179..0000000
--- a/tasks/definitions
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Task: Definitions
-Description: Examples for definition lists in descriptions
- Here some new techniques are tested - currently the
- markdown formatting is tested. This task contains some
- examples of definition lists.
-Depends: glam2
-Depends: casu
-Depends: cvsutils, flim, fontforge, gatos, gitpkg, gnus-bonus-el, isdnutils, jigit
-Depends: josm-plugins, joystick, kicad, kipi-plugins, hugin-tools
-Depends: gigtools, lbdb, lcdf-typetools, libbttracker-utils, ike-scan, jifty
-Depends: dvb-apps
-Remark: Works as list because of substituting '.' to '*'; however, a definition list is intended
diff --git a/tasks/duplicates b/tasks/duplicates
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c3ed2b..0000000
--- a/tasks/duplicates
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Task: Debug duplicate packages
-Architecture: any
-Leaf: false
-Description: Debug cases where packages appear more than once
- inside a task with a different dependency status.
-Depends: figtree
-Suggests: figtree
-Ignores: figtree
-Depends: mipe
-Recommends: mipe
-Suggests: reprof
-Avoid: reprof
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tasks/enumerations b/tasks/enumerations
deleted file mode 100644
index 453b8ea..0000000
--- a/tasks/enumerations
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Task: Enumerations
-Description: Examples for enumerations in descriptions
- Here some new techniques are tested - currently the
- markdown formatting is tested. This task provides examples
- for Enumerations in descriptions.
-Depends: developers-reference, flamethrower
diff --git a/tasks/fun-with-markdown b/tasks/fun-with-markdown
deleted file mode 100644
index dcb29a3..0000000
--- a/tasks/fun-with-markdown
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-Task: Debug problems in webtools
-Description: Some unclassified problematic descriptions
- Here some new techniques are tested - currently the
- new database query method is tested
-Depends: grib-api, liburcu
-Remark: These packages are mentioning different architectures
- in source package which can be a nice test case:
- SELECT source, version, architecture from sources WHERE source IN ('liburcu', 'grib-api') and release = 'sid';
-Depends: libapache-dbi-perl
-Remark: Different levels of lists are simply mixed up
- These modules are supposed to be used with the Apache server together with
- an embedded perl interpreter like mod_perl. They provide support for basic
- authentication and authorization as well as support for persistent database
- connections via Perl's Database Independent Interface (DBI).
- .
- o AuthDBI.pm provides authentication and authorization:
- - optional shared cache for passwords to minimize database load
- - configurable cleanup-handler deletes outdated entries from the cache
- .
- o DBI.pm provides persistent database connections:
- - connections can be established during server-startup
- - configurable rollback to ensure data integrity
- - configurable verification of the connections to avoid time-outs.
-Depends: cli-common
-Remark: Different levels of lists are simply mixed up / Intention of author unclear (*/+ usage)
- This package must be installed if a CLI (Common Language Infrastructure)
- runtime environment is desired.
- .
- It covers useful integration and information for CLI implementations in
- Debian GNU/Linux, including:
- * The CLI policy describes how CLI packages should behave and integrate.
- * A FAQ for package maintainers of CLI/.NET applications.
- * Integration for CLRs (Common Language Runtime):
- + Installing libraries into existing GACs (Global Assembly Cache)
-Depends: finch
-Remark: Different levels of lists are simply mixed up / Intention of author unclear (*/+ usage)
- Finch is a text/console-based, modular instant messaging client capable of
- using AIM/ICQ, Yahoo!, MSN, IRC, Jabber, Napster, Zephyr, Gadu-Gadu, Bonjour,
- Groupwise, Sametime, SILC, and SIMPLE all at once.
- .
- Some extra packages are recommended to use the core functionality present
- in most finch installations:
- * gstreamer0.10-plugins-base, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good
- - Sound support.
- .
- More extra packages are suggested to use increased functionality:
- * libx11-6
- - To use the Clipboard and/or Toaster plugins.
-Depends: fantasdic
-Remark: Markdown is confused by '-' following a non space character
-Depends: libbitcollider-dev, libbitcollider1
-Remark: Suspected trouble to dectect list if bullets are in second (instead of third column)
- This is the development headers for the bitcollider libs.
- .
- Think of it as a really big file hash database on the internet with
- constant contributions from others of metadata on files.
- .
- Bitcollider is a small program to reliably identify and describe files
- on your machine. When run with a specific file as input, this program
- does two major things:
- .
- * It examines the file, calculating a distinctive digital fingerprint,
- or bitprint, and taking note of some other identifying information that
- can be extracted from the file, like file length and the local filename.
- * It launches your web browser to do a lookup at our website, submitting
- this identifying information as the search terms.
- .
- At bitzi.com you'll see what - if anything - others have said about your
- file, and have a chance to contribute descriptions or comments yourself.
- If your automatic submission included information useful to our database,
- that new information will be contributed to the database under your screen
- name.
- .
- The funny thing is that the same situation is true for **ion3-doc** except that
- there is an additional blank line inserted.
- .
- Should we even indent expressions matching '^ [-*+o] ' in the preprocessing
- to avoid such wrongly formatted descriptions?
-Depends: gdesklets-data
-Remark: List is not intended (rather a table)
-Depends: gimageview
-Remark: Unable to detect second order list
- GImageView is image viewer. It has some useful features such as:
- .
- * simple GUI
- * tabbed thumbnail viewer for directories
- * low memory use
- * image file management tool
- * slide show
- * read/write many image cache formats of thumbnail
- * read : Konqueror, GQview, Electric Eyes (Picview)
- * write : Nautilus, .xvpics
- .
- Supported image formats are:
- .
- You can drop image and drop it into Gimp window from GImageView one.
-Depends: irssi-plugin-otr
-Remark: Unable to detect second order list; But regarding content this is not really a second order list but rather a definition list
- Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging Plugin for the Irssi Chat Client
- .
- This plugin adds Off-the-Record messaging support for the irssi IRC client.
- Although primarily designed for use with the bitlbee IRC2IM gateway, it works
- within any query window, provided that the conversation partner's IRC client
- supports OTR.
- .
- OTR allows you to have private conversations over IM by providing:
- - Encryption
- - No one else can read your instant messages.
- - Authentication
- - You are assured the correspondent is who you think it is.
- - Deniability
- - The messages you send do _not_ have digital signatures that are
- checkable by a third party. Anyone can forge messages after a
- conversation to make them look like they came from you. However,
- _during_ a conversation, your correspondent is assured the messages
- he sees are authentic and unmodified.
- - Perfect forward secrecy
- - If you lose control of your private keys, no previous conversation
- is compromised.
-Depends: js2-mode
-Remark: Unable to detect second order list
- This JavaScript editing mode supports:
- .
- - the full JavaScript language through version 1.7
- - support for most Rhino and SpiderMonkey extensions from 1.5 to 1.7
- - accurate syntax highlighting using a recursive-descent parser
- - syntax-error and strict-mode warning reporting
- - "bouncing" line indentation to choose among alternate indentation points
- - smart line-wrapping within comments and strings
- - code folding:
- - show some or all function bodies as {...}
- - show some or all block comments as /*...*/
- - context-sensitive menu bar and popup menus
- - code browsing using the imenu' package
- - typing helpers (e.g. inserting matching braces/parens)
- - many customization options
-Depends: amsynth
-Remark: No idea why this does not work even after substitution from 'o' to '*'
- amSynth features:
- * two analogue-style audio oscillators, featuring:
- o sine wave
- o saw/triangle wave with adjustable shape
- o square/pulse wave with adjustable pulsewidth
- o noise generation
- o "random" wave (noise with sample & hold)
- o oscillator sync
- o of course, detune and range control
- * mixer section with ring modulation
- * analogue-style low-pass filter
- o 24dB/octave curve
- o dedicated ADSR envelope
- o cutoff and resonance control
- o keyboard pitch tracking
- * amplifier with dedicated ADSR envelope
- * modulation LFO
- o up to 58Hz modulation
- o routable to all sections (pitch, filter, amplifier)
- * Effects
- o High quality stereo reverb (freeverb)
- o Distortion/crunch
- * Easy navigation and manipulation of presets
- * Stand-alone OSS or ALSA Midi/Audio client
- .
-Depends: apg
-Remark: Turning an second order enumeration might make sense in principle but it should not be forced by broken markdown formatting
- APG (Automated Password Generator) is the tool set for random
- password generation. It generates some random words of required type
- and prints them to standard output. This binary package contains only
- the standalone version of apg.
- Advantages:
- * Built-in ANSI X9.17 RNG (Random Number Generator)(CAST/SHA1)
- * Built-in password quality checking system (now it has support for Bloom
- filter for faster access)
- * Two Password Generation Algorithms:
- 1. Pronounceable Password Generation Algorithm (according to NIST
- FIPS 181)
- 2. Random Character Password Generation Algorithm with 35
- configurable modes of operation
- * Configurable password length parameters
- * Configurable amount of generated passwords
- * Ability to initialize RNG with user string
- * Support for /dev/random
- * Ability to crypt() generated passwords and print them as additional output.
- * Special parameters to use APG in script
- * Ability to log password generation requests for network version
- * Ability to control APG service access using tcpd
- * Ability to use password generation service from any type of box (Mac,
- WinXX, etc.) that connected to network
- * Ability to enforce remote users to use only allowed type of password
- generation
- The client/server version of apg has been deliberately omitted.
- .
- Upstream URL: http://www.adel.nursat.kz/apg/download.shtml
-Depends: alsa-firmware-loaders
-Depends: non-existing-package
-Homepage: http://nowhere.com
-Depends: another-non-existing-package
-Pkg-Description: Non existing package for testing
- This package doese not exist and will never be. It does not even
- have a homepage.
-Depends: further-non-existing-package
-Homepage: http://somewhere.com
-Pkg-Description: Further non existing package for testing
- This package doese not exist and will never be. But at least it
- has a homepage.
diff --git a/tasks/grandfathers b/tasks/grandfathers
deleted file mode 100644
index bcf0672..0000000
--- a/tasks/grandfathers
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Task: Potential Grandfathers
-Description: Accessibility features for potential grandfathers
- This is a pure fun task refering to
- http://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2008/04/msg00000.html
-Depends: libgail-gnome-module
-Depends: gnome-accessibility-themes
-Depends: gnome-orca
-Depends: gnome-mag
diff --git a/tasks/italic b/tasks/italic
deleted file mode 100644
index d5dc269..0000000
--- a/tasks/italic
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-Task: Italics formating
-Description: Examples for definition markdown italics formatting
- Here some new techniques are tested - currently the
- markdown formatting is tested. This task contains some
- examples of italics formatting.
- .
- Packages listed as "Depends" seem to have a problem, packages
- listed as "Suggests" are rather an enhancement than a problem.
- .
- Some translations (for instance German bhl do better than the
- original text)
-Depends: alltray
-Remark: Fluxbox is rendered italic
- With AllTray you can dock any application with no native tray icon
- (like Evolution, Thunderbird, Terminals) into the system tray.
- A high-light feature is that a click on the "close" button
- will minimize back to system tray. It works well with Gnome,
- KDE, XFCE 4*, Fluxbox* and WindowMaker*.
- (*) No drag 'n drop support. Enable with "-nm" option.
- .
- Homepage: http://alltray.sourceforge.net/
-Depends: bhl
-Remark: Unwanted italics?
- The german translation just leaves out the '*' which might be wanted
- or not. It just explains the shortcut - but isn't it usual to mark it
- this way: _B_rut to _H_tml and _L_aTeX. Italics looks hardly visible here.
- BHL is an Emacs mode that enables you to convert brut text files into
- HTML, LaTeX and SGML files. "BHL" is an acronym for: "from *B*rut to
- *H*tml and *L*aTeX" (SGML was implemented later).
- .
- In order to convert TXT files into other formats, you need to use some
- syntactical elements. The purpose of this mode is to use the most
- invisible and convenient syntax. Invisible syntax means that the
- source file must be as readable as possible (like any TXT file must be).
- Convenient syntax means that the syntax must fit user's habits.
-Depends: dis51
-Remark: Unwanted italics by trying to specify a regexp
- Dis51 is a simple 8051 disassembler. It takes an object file in
- Intel Hex (*.ihx or *.hex) format as input, and outputs an assembly
- language file.
-Depends: flip
-Remark: The '**' in **NIX just vanishes
- This program converts line endings of text files between MS-DOS and
- **IX formats. It detects binary files in a nearly foolproof way and
- leaves them alone unless you override this. It will also leave files
- alone that are already in the right format and preserves file
- timestamps. User interrupts are handled gracefully and no garbage or
- corrupted files left behind. 'flip' does not convert files to a
- different character set, and it can not handle Apple Macintosh
- line endings (CR only). For that (and more), you can use the 'recode'
- program (package 'recode').
-Depends: ghemical
-Remark: The last line is featuring two asterisks which are removed by markdown
- ...
- basis sets ranging from STO-3G to 6-31G**.
-Depends: js2-mode
-Remark: The string /*...*/ is broken by markdown; and second level list is not detected
- This JavaScript editing mode supports:
- .
- - the full JavaScript language through version 1.7
- - support for most Rhino and SpiderMonkey extensions from 1.5 to 1.7
- - accurate syntax highlighting using a recursive-descent parser
- - syntax-error and strict-mode warning reporting
- - "bouncing" line indentation to choose among alternate indentation points
- - smart line-wrapping within comments and strings
- - code folding:
- - show some or all function bodies as {...}
- - show some or all block comments as /*...*/
- - context-sensitive menu bar and popup menus
- - code browsing using the imenu' package
- - typing helpers (e.g. inserting matching braces/parens)
- - many customization options
-X-Comment: These are actually fine and Markdown just ignores the '*'
-X-Comment: clig, cvsnt, fbpanel, gap-small-groups-extra, gdesklets-data,
- gnome-schedule, jed-extra, kmplayer, kvm
-X-Comment: kmplayer-plugin
- Only in testing so currently hidden from Blends-Webtools
-Depends: latrine
-Remark: Reference to dict-freedict-*-* packages is broken
- ...
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/freedict/, provides dictionaries for about 50
- language combinations, which should be compatible with LaTrine. These
- dictionaries are also available via the Debian dict-freedict-*-* packages.
-Suggests: bochs-svga, crashme
-Suggests: apache2-prefork-dev, aolserver4-core-4.5.1, apache2.2-common, bbdb, calibre, cl-trivial-gray-streams, cli-uno-bridge, dbench, dctc, foomatic-filters-ppds, gfs-tools, gfs2-tools, killer, libclass-prototyped-perl
diff --git a/tasks/oldddtp b/tasks/oldddtp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a1a1bd..0000000
--- a/tasks/oldddtp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Task: Old DDTP
-Description: Pachages with outdated translations
- Here some packages are tested which have DDTP translations but for older
- versions which are hidden by new sentinel code.
-Depends: njplot
diff --git a/tasks/overlong b/tasks/overlong
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f7d424..0000000
--- a/tasks/overlong
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-Task: Overlong
-Description: Examples for way to long descriptions
- This page contains some bad examples for descriptions
- which were much longer than acceptable
-Depends: emacs-goodies-el
diff --git a/tasks/screenshots b/tasks/screenshots
deleted file mode 100644
index 851e684..0000000
--- a/tasks/screenshots
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Task: Screenshots
-Description: Packages featuring several screenshots
- Here some packages are tested which are featuring more than
- five screenshots.
-Depends: smc, gnome-utils, dia, ttf-indic-fonts-core, msttcorefonts, couchdb,
- banshee, midori, cheese, cacti, ttf-droid, software-center,
- gedit, glpi, gcompris, sgt-puzzles, ttf-umefont
diff --git a/tasks/verbose_without_reason b/tasks/verbose_without_reason
deleted file mode 100644
index 3453940..0000000
--- a/tasks/verbose_without_reason
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Task: Verbose without reason
-Description: Some long descriptions which are verbose without reason
- Here some new techniques are tested - currently the
- markdown formatting is tested. This task contains those
- packages which just feature broken indentation because of using
- at least two spaces in the beginning of each line without any
- reason - or for a wrong reason when a list was intended.
-Depends: balazar, funcoeszz, gnugk, libbobcat2
diff --git a/tasks/versions b/tasks/versions
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f482af..0000000
--- a/tasks/versions
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Task: Handle test versioned dependencies
-Architecture: any
-Leaf: false
-Description: This task helps developing blend-gen-control in order
- to regard versioned dependencies.
-Depends: 7kaa-data (= 2.14.4-1), a56 (>> 1.3-5), acl2-books (<= 6.2-4),
- alsaplayer-jack (>= 0.99.80-5.1), anubis (<< 4.1.1+dfsg1-3.1),
- bisonc++ (= 4.01.00-1) | bison (<< 1:2.5.dfsg-2.1) | amule (>> 2.3.1-10)
-Suggests: gcal-common (>= 3.6.0-1), gobjc (= 4:4.6.4-2), kdebase-dbg (<< 4:4.4.5-2)
-Recommends: canna-utils (= 3.7p3-11), default-jre (>> 1:1.6-47), dbmix (>= 0.9.8-6.2),
- epiphany-data (<< 0.7.0-6), gammu (>= 1.33.0-2),
- kdenlive-dbg (<= 0.9.2-2) | kturtle (<< 4:4.8.4-1) | kup-server (>= 0.3.2-1)
diff --git a/tasks/works b/tasks/works
deleted file mode 100644
index c18f12f..0000000
--- a/tasks/works
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-Task: Works with markdown
-Description: Descriptions which are working with markdown
- Here some new techniques are tested - currently the
- markdown formatting is tested. These packages are
- random positive examples.
- .
- The preformatting in Python seems to work for airport-utils
- even if the perl code as suggested at
- http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2009/04/msg00712.html
- leads to a second level list in the last item.
- .
- The description of geordi requires masking the a '#' in
- the first column. It is rendered on this page as well to
- make sure everything works as expected.
- .
- Check whether non-ASCI characters in descriptions are working
- (ggz-python-games)
-Depends: airport-utils
-Remark: This package is OK despite the strange formatting of the last paragraph
- .
- For all:
- - airport-modem: modem control utility, displays modem state, starts/stops
- modem connections, displays the approximate connection time (Extreme only)
- - airport-hostmon: wireless hosts monitor, lists wireless hosts connected
- to the base station (see airport2-portinspector for the Snow)
- .
- Please note that it fails in the Perl implementation mentioned at
- http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2009/04/msg00712.html because the
- last item is rendered as a second order list there (but I have no idea
- why.
-Depends: geordi
-Remark: Works because of substituting '#' in first column is escaped
-Depends: ggz-python-games
-Remark: Just testing non-ASCII characters in long description
-Depends: crash, alsa-utils, ccmalloc, ftp-proxy, global, lam-runtime, libapache2-modxslt
-Remark: Works because of substituting 'o' to '*'
-Depends: acidlab
-Remark: Works because of substituting 'o' to '*', otherwise there would be no list at all
- The Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (ACID) is a PHP-based analysis
- engine to search and process a database of security events generated by
- various IDSes, firewalls, and network monitoring tools. The features currently
- include:
- .
- \o Query-builder and search interface for finding alerts matching
- on alert meta information (e.g. signature, detection time) as well as
- the underlying network evidence (e.g. source/destination address, ports,
- payload, or flags).
- .
- \o Packet viewer (decoder) will graphically display the layer-3 and
- layer-4 packet information of logged alerts
- .
- \o Alert management by providing constructs to logically group alerts
- to create incidents (alert groups), deleting the handled alerts or
- false positives, exporting to email for collaboration, or archiving of
- alerts to transfer them between alert databases.
- .
- \o Chart and statistic generation based on time, sensor, signature, protocol,
- IP address, TCP/UDP ports, or classification
- .
- ACID has the ability to analyze a wide variety of events which are
- post-processed into its database. Tools exist for the following formats:
- .
- \o using Snort (www.snort.org)
- - Snort alerts
- - tcpdump binary logs
- .
- \o using logsnorter (www.snort.org/downloads/logsnorter-0.2.tar.gz)
- - Cisco PIX
- - ipchains
- - iptables
- - ipfw
- .
- Homepage: http://acidlab.sourceforge.net/
Debian Fun Blend